We need to drastically lower the density of on-campus students this year. Let's give students who take a gap... (more)
Idea Bank
The idea bank is a community forum offered by the Open Access Task Force for sharing ideas and starting a conversation about MIT’s open access policies and practices, and how they might be updated or revised to further the Institute’s mission of disseminating its research and scholarship as widely as possible.
Contribute your ideas, large and small, to our idea bank.
The proposal does a great job summarizing many issues of open access. Specifically, it proposes evaluating how... (more)
Create an indexable repository of MIT publications for the public to help student's work get noticed
Open access articles tend to be more visible than paywalled papers. However, the fee to publish a paper in as OA is... (more)
Having authored a textbook through MIT Press and suffered through the difficulties of locating and getting... (more)
An important part of open access is using and developing free and open source tools. For instance, publishing a... (more)
I am an HRO who has just been with MIT for six months. I've worked for many large and small organizations... (more)
MIT should support the development, adaptation, and use of open textbooks. Faculty need resources (summer salary,... (more)
An educational brochure (similar to [1]) should be made to encourage MIT affiliates to sign the opt-in license that... (more)
Currently in the sciences and some fields of the humanities, the prestige of the journals that a researcher... (more)
MIT does have a Vice President for Communications already; see the organization chart...
I support this idea. In the Assistive Technology Center (ATIC) on campus, we work to...